Climate Change

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Prince William could overturn king’s windfarm ban as he orders renewable energy review for estate

Wind turbines are among changes being considered by heir to the Duchy of Cornwall estate to tackle the climate crisis

His father thinks windfarms are a blot on the landscape, once saying he feared Britain would end up like Denmark “knee deep in these damn things”. But now Prince William is considering overturning their effective ban on royal land.

The Prince of Wales has ordered a major review of renewable energy on his 130,000-acre Duchy of Cornwall estate, which is expected to change the face of his hereditary property empire stretching across 20 counties in England.

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27/07/2024 -


Life and death in the heat. What it feels like when Earth's temperatures soar to record highs - The Washington Post

Life and death in the heat. What it feels like when Earth's temperatures soar to record highs  The Washington Post

27/07/2024 -


2022 Tongan eruption 'cooled' Earth, did not add to extreme warming in 2023-24: Study - Hindustan Times

2022 Tongan eruption 'cooled' Earth, did not add to extreme warming in 2023-24: Study  Hindustan Times

27/07/2024 -


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